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testosterone treatment methods in Rogers


Testosterone Treatment Methods: The Lowdown on Low-T Treatment Options

For an issue that is so common, there’s very little information readily available on how to receive the low testosterone treatments you need. Many patients don’t know the difference between low testosterone treatment methods in Rogers, their side effects, benefits, and how to ensure the care they receive is the highest possible quality. 

That’s why we founded The Edge at Pinnacle Point. Our staff is passionate about educating men on the root causes of their low testosterone. In addition, we always prioritize lasting wellness results with our Hormone Replacement Therapy. From there, we guide our patients through treatments with our proven, doctor-supervised process. 

Read on to learn more about the testosterone treatment methods available in Rogers. We’ll dig into the difference made by the distinct low testosterone treatment methods in Rogers, our consultation process and treatments, and some of the questions we often see from patients. 

Why You Should Consider Low Testosterone Treatment Methods in Rogers

There tend to be two huge misconceptions that men have about low testosterone treatment methods in Rogers and abroad. The first is that it only affects their sexual desire, and the other is that it’s an erectile dysfunction (ED) issue. While that can be the case sometimes, low testosterone affects most men differently.

Most men with low testosterone tend to experience various other symptoms that impact their day-to-day lives. Fatigue, low energy levels, brain fog, depression, and trouble sleeping are some of the most common issues that we hear about from our patients. 

testosterone treatment methods in Rogers

Additionally, we also see a lot of men who are struggling to stay in shape the way they used to. Despite adequate diet and exercise, trouble maintaining mass and losing body fat are other common symptoms associated with low testosterone. 

So, while a lower sex drive and erectile dysfunction can be symptoms of low testosterone, they aren’t the most common issues. As you can see, this issue can affect several other aspects of a man’s well-being beyond just sex. 

Many men will face these issues as they get older, as testosterone typically begins to decrease around age 30. The good news is that, with low testosterone treatment, these issues are completely manageable if you take the right steps—and trust the right professionals.

How Testosterone Optimization Works

While our providers at The Edge can’t stop you or your body from aging, we can mitigate and often reverse its effects! This is where testosterone optimization through testosterone replacement therapy comes in. The process begins by meeting with a provider for your one-on-one consultation, during which we’ll discuss your unique needs, goals, and concerns. 

The goal of testosterone optimization is to replace your current testosterone deficit. However, the caveat is that each person has a different “optimal” testosterone level. Many clinics or “big chain” low testosterone clinics don’t correctly consider proper, individualized dosing, leading to ineffective results.

There are numerous cases of people receiving substandard care in the form of the amount of testosterone prescribed and the frequency of their dosage. Worse yet, there are instances where less experienced providers prescribe estrogen blockers and various hormonal substances, which can have serious health risks and side effects.

At The Edge, we perform a blood draw to determine your baseline testosterone levels. Based on our findings, we prescribe an individualized dosage to help you achieve your desired results. This makes testosterone optimization from The Edge a unique and highly successful treatment option.

Personalized Care

We consider each aspect of your treatment, from the amount of testosterone we prescribe to the dosage and frequency with which we prescribe it. Many of our patients find that they have more energy, enjoy better workouts, sleep better, and even have an increased sex drive and performance! The end result is real, noticeable improvements in numerous aspects of your life.

There are many myths and misconceptions about potential optimization risks through testosterone replacement therapy; it’s important to note that we don’t recommend treatment for everyone.

If you are a candidate for treatment, The Edge takes every measure to ensure patients are safe, comfortable, and equipped for lasting results. 

The Best Method for Clinical Testosterone Optimization: Injections

One of the main issues that we see with previous low testosterone treatment patients is that, like Alex, they had their care sub-optimally managed. Frequently, this is because patients in NW Arkansas use alternative low testosterone treatment methods in Rogers instead of regular injections.

While other methods exist, such as pellets and creams, we have found testosterone injections are by far the most effective. After proper lab results, a doctor consultation, and a signed consent, you’ll begin an individualized treatment plan based on your blood work to get you feeling like yourself again.

Naturally, a man’s pituitary gland sends a signal to his luteinizing hormone, to the testicles, to make testosterone. When this natural process slows down, testosterone replacement therapy is effective in restoring and maintaining testosterone levels.

When that naturally slows down with age and other factors, replacing the deficit can optimize your hormonal cascade. The Edge uses replacement to provide real, noticeable benefits to our patients!

Alternative Low Testosterone Treatment Methods

While topical testosterone, be it cream or implants, can be helpful to men suffering from Low-T, these testosterone treatment methods can also cause side effects that are far more unlikely with clinical testosterone treatment. These include:

1. Skin problems

The most common side effects of testosterone creams and implants are skin reactions. Though both can cause skin issues, topical creams can react at the application site. Symptoms can include:

  • Acne
  • Burning
  • Blistering
  • Dry Skin
  • Itching
  • Soreness
  • Redness

Make sure you always apply the medication on clean, unbroken skin. Follow the application directions on the package carefully and report any skin reactions to your doctor.

2. Urinary changes

Topical testosterone can also affect your urinary tract. Some men need to urinate more than usual, including during the night. You may feel an urgent need to urinate, even when your bladder isn’t full. Other symptoms include trouble urinating and blood in the urine.

3. Breast changes

It’s rare, but topical testosterone can cause gynecomastia and result in unwanted changes to the breasts. This is because your body changes amounts of excess testosterone into estrogen, which can result in your body forming more breast tissue. Changes to the breasts can include:

  • Tenderness
  • Soreness
  • Pain
  • Swelling

4. Emotional effects

Most men tolerate testosterone treatment quite well, but a small number develop emotional side effects from the hormonal changes. These can include:

  • Rapid mood swings
  • Exaggerated emotional responses
  • Nervousness
  • Anxiety
  • Paranoia
  • Depression

Although emotional side effects are rare, any mental health issue can be serious if not treated. Be sure to discuss any symptoms with your provider.

5. Sexual dysfunction

Testosterone plays a big role in a man’s sex drive. But in rare cases, topical testosterone can negatively affect sexuality. It may cause problems such as:

  • Decrease in sex drive
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Erections that happen too often and last too long

6. Transfer through touch

Perhaps most concerning, exposure to topical testosterone can cause side effects in women and children through contact with it on their skin or clothing.

To prevent this from becoming an issue, don’t allow skin-to-skin contact of the treated area with other people. Also, don’t allow others to touch any bedding and clothing that may have absorbed testosterone from your skin. Keep the treated area covered or wash it well before letting others touch you.

It’s worth mentioning that some of these side effects are possible when receiving our Hormone Replacement Therapy in Rogers, but there is also an important difference. 

When you receive carefully mapped and monitored testosterone treatment with the Edge, we can make adjustments the minute any issues arise. You are never alone in your care, and it’s never up to you to juggle providing treatment, monitoring results, and watching out for side effects. We’re with you every step of the way.

How it Works

The Edge offers in-person and virtual consultations to men interested in treating their low testosterone levels. To begin an individualized treatment plan, we’ll need proper lab results, in-person doctor consultation, and signed consent.

Then, after going through your labs and charts in detail, Dr. Haney will recommend an individualized treatment plan that’s right for you. These treatments will include one or a combination of the following:

  • Testosterone injections
    • Our staff has found this to be the most effective of all low testosterone treatment methods in Rogers. We make these intramuscular injections to the gluteal area, shoulder, or thigh. 
  • HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) injections
    • A common side effect of testosterone therapy is a decrease in testicle size. Reasonably, a side effect of this intensity alarms a lot of guys. Fortunately, this separate injection acts as an LH (luteinizing hormone), which helps to create a leveled-out experience. This will minimize the specific issue of testicle shrinkage while still maintaining fertility and other hormone production.
  • Peptides
    • Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides work to compound the benefits of testosterone replacement therapy by releasing your body’s natural growth hormones. Patients need injections five nights per week, cycling off two nights per week. Consider this if you’re looking to make gains at the gym while still being safe and smart about your testosterone replacement therapy. 

Testosterone injections occur weekly. Depending on your preference, we can administer them in our Rogers office, or you can do it yourself in the comfort of your home. Remote patients will need to come into the office for one initial visit but are free to administer the injections themselves in their homes going forward.

Testosterone Treatment Methods Outside Rogers

For patients remote from Rogers or Northwest Arkansas, we can coordinate with a lab in your area to receive your results. Just contact us, or ask Dr. Haney for more information during your consultation! 

After six weeks, we will order a follow-up lab to monitor and maintain your testosterone levels. On rare occasions, however, we may require additional follow-up visits for further monitoring if patients cannot coordinate needed services near their homes.

testosterone treatment methods in Rogers

We don’t just limit our care to office visits, though. We understand that consistent communication is key in ensuring that our patients have a top-notch experience. And we’ll be here to help if questions pop up during your treatment process. 

You can reach us via FaceTime, texting line, and our patient portal app MyTouchID with questions. Whichever communication platform you prefer, we’ll follow up with you as quickly as we can.

The Best Low Testosterone Treatment Methods with the Edge

Now that you’ve learned more about testosterone treatment methods in Rogers and what delivery system works best, it’s time to decide if you’re ready to take action!

Schedule an in-person or a virtual consultation today and get back to feeling like your old self again. Be sure to also check out our special events for deals on your initial lab work and more. 

For those looking for care beyond low testosterone treatment, The Edge also offers other services and supplements designed to help you feel or look like your old self. 

Getting old isn’t a choice, but feeling old is. Get back your Edge today.

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